• California, TX 70240
  • Info@gmail.com
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 7:45 PM

Online Courses

Access our online platform with a wide variety of content that you can develop at your own pace and from anywhere.



Intentzioa | Intención

  1. Regenerative Principles
  2. Systemic Diagnosis/System Mapping
  3. Designing Organizational Culture and Narrative
  4. Shared Vision
  5. Inner Development Goals
  6. Mutual Collaboration


Gobernantza | Gobernanza

  1. Participatory Governance
  2. Nonviolent Communication
  3. Empathy and Care
  4. Active Listening
  5. Conflict Management
  6. Team Mapping
  7. Collective Intelligence


Berrikuntza | Innovación

  1. Agile Innovation
  2. Design Thinking
  3. Human-Centered Design
  4. Life-Centered Design
  5. Experience Design
  6. Measurement of Results and Impact
  7. Project Management with a Regenerative Focus

Virtual Training

Learn more about our upcoming virtual training sessions:


Regeneración Organizacional

Regeneración Organizacional
25 de Abril, 2, 9 y 16 de Mayo

In-Person Workshops

In our in-person workshops, we aim to create and sustain unique and transformative experiential learning opportunities. We provide participants with a safe shared space where they can collectively reinterpret and apply their learnings through practical tools in their organizational realities and work teams.

We design and adapt experiences and tools to each cultural and organizational context to align with the specific needs of the audiences we serve.


We believe that some knowledge should circulate freely. Therefore, you can download publicly available tools below that we provide for the transformation of your organization. However, please remember the importance of honoring the source and giving proper recognition when you use them.


On our blog, you can browse through publications and reports about our training and support work with various types of organizations.