• California, TX 70240
  • Info@gmail.com
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 7:45 PM


Ingoin is established as a small cooperative society. The cooperative formula fits into our business model as it is an excellent tool to consistently apply our range of training products and accompanying services.

As partners, we walk with intention towards the action we promote, integrating a participatory organizational model based on Sociocracy that facilitates agile management and allows us to adapt to changes and address emerging issues in the development of our work proposals.

This participatory formula enhances the collective intelligence of our organization and enables us to prioritize both the inclusion and well-being of our partners.

Furthermore, the cooperative model aligns with our intention of connecting with our environment in terms of regenerative transformation, reinvesting part of our profits into society and the surrounding environment.


We believe in the transformative capacity of organizations and businesses as key intermediate actors within the system: as enablers of individual and collective well-being for teams, and drivers of change in the community and natural environment.

We believe that organizations are leverage points for transitioning from degenerative patterns towards a regenerative intention and action within their environments.

To achieve this, we join the Regenerative movement, which invites us to stop viewing organizations as machines and instead understand and design them as the living systems they are.

Inspired by Systems Thinking and Nature, we seek to transform the fundamental mental models upon which we create structures and make decisions in economic, political, social, and environmental realms.

We strive for less competition and more collaboration, less separation and greater inclusion and participation, more synergies and care, and less extraction from people and territories. We advocate for less accumulation and more redistribution.

We promote mutual care within our work teams and projects, creating safe spaces where collective intelligence flourishes and knowledge exchange among members is encouraged.

Furthermore, we commit to co-creation processes and participatory decision-making, generating and implementing agreements inclusively and efficiently. These mechanisms enable us to progress swiftly and securely towards organizational purposes and those shared with our surroundings.

We evolve through the analysis and coherence review of our own mental models and working methods, to provide accurate support to organizations and generate positive transformations towards both the regeneration of territories and communities, and the well-being of individuals, towards a desirable alternative future.

Sociocratic Governance

Sociocracy is a working methodology that allows a group of people to make decisions by harnessing collective intelligence and achieving a balance between efficiency and inclusion.

It is based on four main principles:

  • Circle structure,
  • Selection of sociocratic roles for greater power distribution
  • Decision-making rounds by consent
  • Continuous feedback cycles for the evaluation and review of agreements

Ingoin is structured into different thematic circles to organize the strategies and actions of each, and the supreme decision-making body is its General Circle, comprised of its working partners.

The Team

Maddalen Gil López de Lacalle

Founder, Strategy & Academic

As a curious student, I pursued Industrial Design Engineering at Mondragón Unibertsitatea, Product Design at L’Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique (France), and a Master’s in Transcultural Design at Shrishti Design School (India).

With over 12 years of experience in participatory design, educational innovation, and community work, I have collaborated with cooperative enterprises, universities, and startups in India, Spain, Mexico, and other countries in Latin America.

Having lived in México for 8 years, I collaborated with the mexican branch of Mondragón University as the Director of the Faculty of Engineering and Vicerector for Business Linkage.

Today, as an entrepreneur with an eco-social focus and a regenerative perspective, I contribute to Ingoin by designing strategies, learning experiences, and support tools, working on ecosystem activation and organizational redesign towards Regeneration.

Amaia Goyena Mediavilla

Engagement & Care

As an explorer, since the age of 14, I have enriched myself with multiple experiences in diverse sectors and disciplines, often accompanied by people with an entrepreneurial and collaborative attitude. Graduated as an Engineer in Production Systems from Mondragon Unibertsitatea and licensed in Industrial Organization from Université de Montréal (Québec), I have a broad perspective and a variety of tools to tackle challenges and solve problems with a systemic approach and a humanistic perspective.

I complement my technical training as a Gestalt student while advocating for teamwork and the creation of synergies and partnerships as a strengthening mechanism to impeccably achieve set objectives.

My collaboration in projects generated at Ingoin is based on active listening, project management with a regenerative focus, an agile mindset, and clear communication with a problem-solving attitude.

To know more about me: